C# Advanced
View Syllabus
1 Hello, Wonderland
class, object, private, public
2 I will be your spy
static, null, this
3 The Commander
Properties, Encapsulation
4 A Secret Server
5 The Mystery of the old server
6 One step ahead
Interfaces, polymorphism
In this C# course, you’ll travel to Wonderland together with Teo and learn about the biggest resistance base on Earth. On the way, you’ll dive into the concepts of Object Oriented Programming, and sharpen your skills with classes and c# program architecture. Moving on, saving the world and your future profession as a software developer is just in a few steps!
You will learn:
- the difference between a class and an object;
- the basics of access modifiers;
- static keywords;
- this and null keywords;
- properties; encapsulation;
- exceptions;
- inheritance;
- interfaces;
- polymorphism