Unplugged Python: Creative Review Activities for the New School Year

Rehina Naiberh
Rehina Naiberh
Senast uppdaterad den 2024-08-23

Unplugged activities are great for back-to-school sessions as they help ease students back into learning while fostering collaboration and problem-solving skills. Here are some unplugged Python review activities tailored for high school students:


1. Python Keywords and Syntax Relay Race

- Objective: Review basic Python keywords and syntax.

- Setup: Create cards with Python keywords, operators, or syntax rules (e.g., `if`, `else`, `for`, `while`, `==`, `!=`, etc.).

- Activity: Divide students into teams. Each team must match the correct keyword to a description or write a correct Python statement using a provided keyword. The first team to correctly match or write all their statements wins.


2. Algorithm Storytelling

- Objective: Reinforce logical thinking and algorithm design.

- Setup: Provide students with a problem to solve (e.g., finding the largest number in a list, sorting a list of items).

- Activity: Students work in small groups to write out the steps (algorithm) on paper or a whiteboard as if they were instructing someone who doesn’t know Python. They must ensure the steps are clear, logical, and precise.


3. Python Function Puzzle

- Objective: Review function definitions, parameters, and return values.

- Setup: Prepare puzzle pieces where each piece contains a part of a Python function (e.g., function name, parameters, body, return statement).

- Activity: Students work individually or in pairs to assemble the puzzle pieces correctly, creating a valid Python function.


4. Python Code Debugging Posters

- Objective: Practice identifying and fixing errors in Python code.

- Setup: Create posters with short Python code snippets that contain common errors (syntax errors, logic errors, etc.).

- Activity: Hang the posters around the classroom. Students rotate in groups, identifying and correcting the errors on each poster. After all groups have rotated, discuss the corrections as a class.

Posters samples: 
Here are some examples of Python code snippets containing common errors that can be turned into posters for classroom display. Each poster should include the code snippet, a brief explanation of the error, and space for students to write the correct version of the code.
 Poster 1: Syntax Error - Missing Colon


if x > 10
    print("x is greater than 10")

Error Explanation: 
This code snippet is missing a colon (:) at the end of the if statement, which is required for the syntax to be correct.

Space for Correction:

Poster 2: Logic Error - Off-By-One in Loop

for i in range(1, 10):

Error Explanation: 
This loop will print numbers from 1 to 9, not including 10. The logic might be incorrect if the intention was to include 10.

Space for Correction:

Poster 3: Syntax Error - Mismatched Parentheses

total = sum(1, 2, 3, 4))

Error Explanation: 
There’s an extra closing parenthesis in this code, causing a syntax error.

Space for Correction:

Poster 4: Logic Error - Incorrect Use of == for Assignment

if x = 5:
    print("x is 5")

Error Explanation: 
The = operator is used for assignment, not comparison. To compare values, use ==.

Space for Correction:

Poster 5: Syntax Error - Indentation

def greet(name):
print("Hello, " + name)

Error Explanation: 
The print statement is not indented, which will result in an IndentationError.

Space for Correction:

Poster 6: Logic Error - Incorrect Boolean Logic

if age > 18 and age < 30:
    print("You are eligible.")

Error Explanation: 
This logic checks if the age is between 18 and 30 but does not include 18 and 30. This might be incorrect depending on the intention.

Space for Correction:

Poster 7: Syntax Error - Missing Quotation Marks

print("Hello, world!)

Error Explanation: 
The closing quotation mark is missing, which will cause a syntax error.

Space for Correction:

Poster 8: Logic Error - Unintentional Infinite Loop

while x > 0:

Error Explanation: 
If x is not modified within the loop, this will result in an infinite loop.

Space for Correction:

5. Conditional Statements Sorting Game

- Objective: Review if-else and elif structures.

- Setup: Prepare cards with different conditional statements and corresponding actions.

- Activity: Students sort the cards into correct if-else or elif sequences, matching conditions with the appropriate actions. This can be turned into a competition to see who finishes first.


6. Data Types Charades

- Objective: Reinforce understanding of Python data types (e.g., strings, integers, lists).

- Setup: Write different data types and examples (e.g., `[1, 2, 3]`, `"Hello"`, `42`) on cards.

- Activity: Students take turns acting out or describing the data type without saying the type itself, while others guess the correct data type.


7. Flowchart to Code Conversion

- Objective: Translate logical flowcharts into Python code.

- Setup: Provide students with flowcharts that represent simple algorithms or processes.

- Activity: In groups, students discuss and write out the Python code that would follow the logic of the flowchart. They can compare their answers with another group afterward.

Flowcharts samples:

1. Flowchart for a Simple
"if-else" Decision

  • Purpose: To demonstrate a basic decision-making process.
  • Scenario: Checking if a number is positive, negative, or zero.


  1. Start
  2. Input Number
  3. Is the Number > 0?
    • Yes: Print "Positive"
    • No: Move to the next decision
  4. Is the Number < 0?
    • Yes: Print "Negative"
    • No: Print "Zero"

5. End

Flowchart for a Simple "for" Loop

  • Purpose: To illustrate the use of a loop.
  • Scenario: Printing numbers from 1 to 5.


1. Start
2. Set Counter = 1

3. Is Counter ≤ 5?

  • Yes: Print Counter
  • No: Move to End

4. Increment Counter by 1

5. Repeat Step 3

6. End


3. Flowchart for a Basic Function Call

  • Purpose: To show how a function is called and returns a value.
  • Scenario: Calculating the square of a number.


1. Start

2. Input Number

3. Call Function "square(Number)"

  • Inside Function:
    • Calculate: "Result = Number * Number"
    • Return Result

4. Display Result

5. End




4. Flowchart for a Simple "while" Loop

  • Purpose: To explain a loop that continues based on a condition.
  • Scenario: Keep doubling a number until it exceeds 100.


1. Start

2. Input Number

3. Is Number ≤ 100?

  • Yes: Double the Number (Number = Number * 2)
  • No: Move to End

4. Repeat Step 3

5. End


5. Flowchart for Finding the Maximum of Two Numbers

  • Purpose: To demonstrate the process of comparing two values.
  • Scenario: Comparing two numbers to find the larger one.


1. Start

2. Input Number1 and Number2

3. Is Number1 > Number2?

  • Yes: Print "Number1 is Larger"
  • No: Print "Number2 is Larger"

4. End


6. Flowchart for Checking if a Number is Even or Odd

  • Purpose: To illustrate the modulus operation and condition checking.
  • Scenario: Determining if a number is even or odd.


1. Start
2. Input Number

3. Is Number % 2 == 0?

  • Yes: Print "Even"
  • No: Print "Odd"

4. End


8. Python Code Scavenger Hunt

- Objective: Review and identify correct Python syntax.

- Setup: Hide small snippets of Python code around the classroom.

- Activity: Give students a list of specific code elements (e.g., a for loop, a print statement, a variable assignment). Students must find and collect the code snippets that match the list, assembling them into a complete program at the end.


9. Human Python Interpreter

  • Objective: Help students understand how Python code is executed step-by-step.
  • Setup:
    • Prepare simple Python programs on paper (e.g., looping through a list, using if-else conditions).
  • Activity:
    • Select a few students to be "variables," "operators," and "control structures."
    • The rest of the class "runs" the program by giving commands, and the "variables" and "operators" act out their roles.
  • Discussion: Reflect on how the code was executed and any errors encountered during the role play.
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10. Python Circuit Game

  • Objective: Practice Python syntax and logical flow in a physical game.
  • Setup:
    • Set up stations around the classroom, each representing a different part of a Python program (e.g., "Input," "Loop," "Condition," "Output").
  • Activity:
    • Students move from station to station, writing a part of the code or solving a problem at each station.
    • The final station combines all parts into a complete Python program.
  • Discussion: Review the program as a class, discussing how each part contributes to the final result.

11. Python Concept Speed-Dating

  • Objective: Rapidly review a variety of Python concepts in a fun, interactive way.
  • Setup:
    • Set up pairs of chairs around the room. On each chair, place a card with a Python concept or code snippet.
  • Activity:
    • Students pair up, sit in the chairs, and discuss the concept or code snippet on the card for a set amount of time (e.g., 2 minutes).
    • After time is up, one student rotates to the next chair, and the process repeats.
  • Discussion: After several rounds, debrief on any challenging concepts and clarify misunderstandings.

    12. Python Paradox Puzzle
  • Objective: Challenge students with logical puzzles that require Python concepts to solve.
  • Setup:
    • Prepare paradox puzzles or brainteasers that involve Python concepts (e.g., “Write a program that prints numbers from 1 to 100, but for multiples of 3 print 'Fizz' instead of the number, and for multiples of 5 print 'Buzz'. For numbers which are multiples of both three and five, print 'FizzBuzz'”).
  • Activity:
    • Students solve these puzzles on paper, discussing their reasoning and the code they would write.
  • Discussion: Share solutions and different approaches to the puzzles.

    13. Python Code Escape Room
  • Objective: Use Python knowledge to solve puzzles and "escape" from the room.
  • Setup:
    • Create a series of puzzles that involve Python concepts like loops, conditionals, and functions.
    • Each puzzle leads to a clue for the next one, culminating in a final code or key to "escape."
  • Activity:
    • Students work in teams to solve the puzzles and progress through the "escape room."
  • Discussion: Review the solutions and the Python concepts behind each puzzle.

    14. Python Logic Board Game
  • Objective: Reinforce Python logic and problem-solving through a board game.
  • Setup:
    • Design a board game where each space requires solving a Python-related challenge to move forward (e.g., debugging a code snippet, writing a short function).
  • Activity:
    • Students play the game in small groups, helping each other solve the challenges to advance on the board.
  • Discussion: After the game, discuss the challenges they encountered and how they solved them.

15. Python Code Poetry

  • Objective: Combine creativity with coding by writing Python code in poetic form.
  • Setup:
    • Introduce the concept of "code poetry," where students write Python code that is functional but also structured like a poem.
  • Activity:
    • Students create their own code poems, using loops, conditionals, and other Python structures in a creative way.
    • Example: A loop that prints lines of a poem or a function that generates random poetic verses.
  • Discussion: Share the poems and discuss how Python can be used creatively.

    16. Python Function Fashion Show
  • Objective: Make learning about functions fun by having students "model" their function creations.
  • Setup:
    • Have students create a Python function that performs a specific task (e.g., generating a pattern, solving a small problem).
  • Activity:
    • Students present their functions in a "fashion show" format, explaining what their function does and why it's useful.
  • Discussion: Highlight interesting or unique functions and discuss their applications.


17. Python Concept Bingo

  • Objective: Review a variety of Python concepts in a game format.
  • Setup:
    • Create bingo cards with Python keywords, functions, or concepts instead of numbers.
  • Activity:
    • Call out definitions or descriptions, and students mark the corresponding concept on their bingo cards.
    • The first to get a bingo wins, but keep playing to review all the concepts.
  • Discussion: Review the concepts that were covered, clarifying any that caused confusion.


18. Python Reverse Coding Challenge

  • Objective: Strengthen problem-solving skills by working backwards from the output to the code.
  • Setup:
    • Provide students with an output result and challenge them to write the Python code that would produce that result.
  • Activity:
    • Students work individually or in pairs to write code that matches the given output.
    • Example: "The output is 10, 8, 6, 4, 2. Write the code that produces this sequence."
  • Discussion: Share the different approaches students took and discuss which ones were the most efficient or elegant.

    19. Python Code Comics
  • Objective: Combine creativity with coding concepts by creating comic strips that explain Python concepts.
  • Setup:
    • Provide templates or blank sheets for students to create comic strips. Each strip should represent a Python concept (e.g., loops, conditionals).
  • Activity:
    • Students draw and write comic strips that explain the concept in a humorous or engaging way. For example, a comic about a loop might show a character stuck in a repeating task until a condition is met.
  • Discussion: Share the comics with the class and discuss how well they explain the concepts.

    20. Python Vocabulary Crossword
  • Objective: Reinforce Python terminology and concepts through a crossword puzzle.
  • Setup:
    • Create a crossword puzzle with clues related to Python keywords, functions, and concepts (e.g., "The keyword used to define a function").
  • Activity:
    • Students work individually or in pairs to complete the crossword. Consider offering a small prize for the first correct completion.
  • Discussion: Review the answers as a class, providing explanations for any terms that were challenging.