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C# Core
1 Brave new world
Introduction. First code lines
2 The Mission
Hardware. Comments. C# benefits. String interpolation
3 Back to the streets
C# program structure. If statement
3.1 C# program structure
3.2 If statement
3.3 Visual Studio extension
4 Who is who
bool type. Console input.
5 Find the basement
.NET Framework. for loop
6 Talk in the big kitchen
double, float, char
7 Repairing Noname
While loop, Methods
8 Victory is close
Arrays. Scopes.
9 Wonderland
const, var
10 Career raise opportunity
input validation, Modulo, Math
11 Infinity
Type conversion, out, ref
12 The truth
switch, C# test
13 Hello, Wonderland
class, object, private, public
14 I will be your spy
static, null, this
15 The Commander
Properties, Encapsulation
16 A Secret Server
17 The Mystery of the old server
18 One step ahead
Interfaces, polymorphism